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Welcome to FutureView!

FutureView is an unusual time travel science fiction series. What good is a time machine that only goes two hours into the past? That's a pretty short trip! There's no sense in making such a short trip -- just send a message instead. Even that has serious ramifications. These books are based on a scientific analysis of a consistent set of assumptions of how such time travel would work.

First, the theory of time travel cannot contain self-contradictions. The most famous test is the Grandfather Paradox. If a time traveler went into the past and killed his grandfather (assuming his father is therefore never born, nor is the time traveler), then who killed his grandfather?

Then, there are basic laws of physics. You can't assume away laws of physics. If you do, then you have to have some explanation. For instance, does time travel allow you to conceptually come up with a scheme for creating matter? creating energy? Think about a time machine transporting a gold bar back into the past. Does it allow you to make gold bars out of nothing?

One of the fundamental laws of physics is that everything remains in its current state until something causes it to change. Nothing happens for no reason. Obviously, dealing with time travel, you might have to enlarge the meaning of what must come before and what comes after. But even at that consider this case: A time traveler goes into the past and tells his younger self never to travel to the past. Then, does any time travel occur?

The solution proposed by Dr. Johnson's theory of time messaging is this: First, there must exist a timeline of events that contains no message from the future but leads to someone sending a message to the past. Then the timeline of events after that message is received is changed. There is no need to send the message again, as that occurred in a timeline that no longer exists.

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